Students » Health & Medicine

Health & Medicine

School Health Program 
In partnership with Corewell Health Healthier Communities, Godwin Heights employs a full time Registered Nurse, Meagan Schaefer. You can contact our nurse at (616) 252-2050 ext 2137 or via email at [email protected].
All Things Health & Medicine
If you wish to have medications on file at the school, or a recorded medical condition/healthcare plan, please submit the proper consent forms for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year to the nurse or the front office of your child’s school.

Medication must be brought to the school office by an adult in its original bottle.

All medications, including prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, dietary supplements, vitamins, sunscreen, or lotions, require a medication administration order form. A new form is required each school year.

ALL Medications Given at School Require:
  • Parent/Guardian needs to walk medication into the front office. Students CANNOT transport medications. Medications brought in by students without proper documentation will NOT be administered.
  • Written parental and doctor’s permission for prescriptions & parental consent for over the counter medications.
  • Prescription medication must be in the original bottle with the current order on the label.
  • Must indicate a time on the bottle OR a separate order is needed. Rx must be current.
  • Over the counter medication must be in the manufacturer’s container and must be kept in the office for student to use as needed. Medication cannot be expired. A doctor’s order in not needed for over the counter meds.
  • ONLY 9th -12th Grade Students may SELF-CARRY inhalers and EpiPen/AuviQ’s – self-carry form must be on file for each school year. (Click Self-Carry Form English or Self-Carry form Spanish for the form – 9th -12th grade students only)
Paperwork & Supplies Needed for Medical Conditions
  • Asthma Action Plan (AAP) – from doctor, often Pulmonology, Allergy or primary doctor.
  • Medication Administration Form for Inhaler and/or Allergy Medication
  • Inhaler(s) and/or Allergy Meds brought in by parent/guardian

Severe Allergies
  • Allergy/Anaphylaxis Plan (EAP) – from doctor, often Allergy, Pulmonology or primary doctor Blank Emergency Action Plan
  • Medication Administration Form for EpiPen and/or Benadryl
  • EpiPen and/or Benadryl brought in my parent/guardian
  • Dietary Accommodation Form, if food related

  • Diabetes Medical Management Plan (DMMP) – from doctor, often Endocrinology
  • Medication Administration Form for Insulin and Glucagon/Emergency Medication, signed by doctor
  • Insulin and Emergency Medication
  • Individual Health Plan – RN to create
  • Contact nurse to set up a meeting prior to starting the school year
  • Emergency Supplies at school:
    o Ketone Test Strips
    o Insulin
    o Tester
    o Pump Supplies (if applicable)
    o Glucagon
    o Snacks/Fixes for each teacher
  • Seizure Action Plan (SAP) – from doctor, often Neurology
  • Medication Administration Form for Emergency Medication, signed by doctor
  • Emergency Medication brought in by parent/guardian
  • Individual Health Plan – RN to create (optional – may use SAP)

  • Letter from doctor noting condition, treatment
  • Medication Administration form, signed by doctor (if giving medication during school day)
  • ADHD Medication brought in by parent/guardian 

  • Letter from doctor noting condition, treatment & restrictions
  • Medication Administration form, signed by doctor (if giving medication during school day)
  • Mood Medication/PRN Meds as needed for Anxiety/Panic attacks brought in by parent/guardian
  • Individual Health Plan – RN to create
Other Chronic Conditions (ie Sickle Cell, von Willebrand, etc)
  • Letter from doctor noting condition, treatment & restrictions
  • Medication Administration form, signed by doctor (if giving medication during school day)
  • Medication, if needed for condition brought in my parent/guardian
  • Individual Health Plan – RN to create

Other SHORT-term Health Conditions (injury/illness)
  • Students need a Doctor's note explaining what restrictions are needed for school, such as an elevator pass, P.E. limitations, etc. The doctor's note should include an end date for restrictions. Provide this note to your school’s front office.
  • A parent note is good for 1 P.E. class only.
  • If your student needs a wheelchair, walker or any other assistive device for mobility, it will need to be provided from home.
  • Medication Administration form, signed by doctor (if giving medication during school day)
    o Medication, if needed for condition must be brought in by parent/guardian
  • Concussions - Students MUST be cleared by a doctor BEFORE returning to SPORTS/ACTIVITIES. Please keep your coach informed. Cherry Health is available to help with concussions. Call 616-965-0435 for an appointment.

Should My Child Stay Home?

When your child is sick, it’s important to know when they should stay home from school.
If they have a contagious virus or disease, keep them home. This will help them get
better faster and keep their teachers and classmates from getting sick.
Talk to your child’s doctor or health care provider if you are unsure if they should stay
home from school. As a general rule, your child should not go to school if they have:
  • A fever over 100.4° Fahrenheit (F) or 38° Celsius (C) – Your child can return to school after they’ve been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
  • Signs they are weak and tired. This is common with the flu.
  • Diarrhea – Having 2 or more loose poop (stool) that isn’t caused by a change in diet.
  • Throwing up (vomiting) – Your child can return to school after they’ve been vomit-free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
  • Coughing that disrupts normal activity.
  • Wheezing or short of breath.
  • Pain from earache, headache, sore throat, or recent injury.
  • Yellow or green drainage from the eye(s).
  • A new rash – Not all rashes mean your child must stay home from school. Check with their doctor or health care provider.
  • Questions about other communicable diseases such as fifth's disease, chickenpox, head lice, hand / foot / mouth syndrome, etc. should be directed to the district nurse.

If your child has a fever, they must stay home from school until they have been
FEVER-FREE for 24 hours WITHOUT medication! Thank you!

Cherry Health
We are pleased to inform you that students aged 3-21 enrolled in any Godwin Heights Public School are welcome to receive services regardless of their ability to pay. Walk-in appointments are available for a variety of medical services, including sports and wellness physical exams, prescription medications such as antibiotics, treatment for injuries and illnesses, immunizations, and tests for illnesses like strep, flu, or COVID-19. Additionally, we ensure to share information with your primary care provider.

Our on-staff counselors are also available to assist with mental health needs, including family and relationship issues, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and more. All students ages 3-21 enrolled in Godwin Heights Public Schools are welcome, regardless of ability to pay. Per school policy, the person bringing the child to/from the appointment must be on the release form. Cherry Health accepts all Medicaid and Healthy Michigan plans, Medicare, and many other insurance plans. A sliding fee payment scale and interpretation services are available.